Proven basement waterproofing systems and patented, engineer-certified wall straightening products. Family-owned since 1967.


Proven basement waterproofing systems and patented, engineer-certified wall straightening products. Family-owned since 1967.


photo of a man installing geo-channel in a yard for yard drainage

DRY-UP™ Geo Channel yard drainage is the least disruptive, most effective way of solving yard drainage. Large pipes and unsightly gravel beds are no longer necessary. The DRY-UP™ Geo Channel system is designed to sit in the mud and dirt with no gravel. The sod is cut and a small trench is created to install the DRY-UP™ Geo Channel. The dirt is back filled around the DRY-UP™ Geo Channel without using any stone and the yard is restored as the Geo Channel effectively drains the water-logged lawn.

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